Natural Cause of Oily Skin

In the dermis layer of our skin exists sebaceous glands, also known as oil glands. Sebaceous glands excrete an oil-based material called the sebum. Sebum is the skin's natural self-lubricant, and protective barrier creating ability. The more active the sebaceous glands, the more oils will be produced and excreted onto the surface of the skin.

A major cause of oily skin is over-active sebaceous glands, which result from heightened male
hormone activity. Oily skin is especially common in woman during ovulation, menstruation, or menopause, when they undergo shifts in hormonal balance. With hormonal fluctuations, if the change is toward the testosterone side, women may experience breakouts, one of the symptoms of oily skin; hormone-related breakouts most often appear around the jawline.

Skin with larger pores also exhibits natural signs of oily skin. A pore is a hair follicle, which may or may not be visible, in which there is a secretion of sweat and oils. Pores are channels of self-detoxification, allowing the body to purge itself of any dead skin cells or waste. The t-zone, forehead, and nose are common areas of larger pores and hence oilier skin.

The good news is that oily skin tends to age at a much slower rate than non-oily skin, primarily because of its self-moisturizing properties. However, one major disadvantage of oily skin is the increased risk for acne and breakouts. Ultimately, it comes down to personalizing your skin care routine to establish a state of equilibrium.

My 10 favorite effective ingredients for treating oily skin include:
  1. Sulfur
  2. Camphor
  3. Soy Isoflavones
  4. Tea tree oil
  5. Sage
  6. Sebocea®
  7. Eucalyptus
  8. Fomes officinalis (mushroom) extract
  9. Benzoyl peroxide
  10. Salicylic acid
