Move Forward, Look Ahead and Let Go!

My husband and I recently moved out of our first home. We couldn't help but feel sad, because this was the place that we expanded our family. Our first addition was our loving and loyal mini Schnauzer, Lyla, who has gifted us with so much positivity and many happy moments. Our second and most important addition was our amazing son, Elijah. This was the first and only home he has ever known. As our anxiety built throughout the packing process, so did his. It was a stressful time, to say the least.

All I kept thinking during the move was that I am not ready, and I want to hold on to the happiness created in this place for as long as possible. When confronted with situations where change is involved, it is often very easy to look at the small picture and believe that change means letting something go.

I realize now that happiness and my family are always with me. Life happens in the present moment, not in the footsteps of the past. To continue to create the life I love and evolve as an extraordinary person, it is not in the physical things that I have, but it is in the energy, love, and spirit that I carry…so move forward, look ahead, and let go!
